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Delivering knowledge to inspire growth, opportunities to build capacity, and empowerment to drive meaningful change


Our Impact
3000 + villagers received health and nutrition workshops
80 + children enrolled in government schools
600 + women received breast cancer awareness and screening
400 + women received cervical cancer awareness and screening
850 + households educated on the importance and steps of waste seggregation
Empowered 720 + women on self-protection and reporting abuse.
UN SDG Goals

Our Partners In Change

Nambiar Builders
PES University

Bembala Foundation

Muthanalloor Panchayat
Upcoming Workshops
Workshop on Domestic Violence & Abuse
Location: Samudaya Bhavan, Muthanalloor
Conducted By: Bembala Foundation
Time: 11 PM | Dec 20
Workshop on Waste segregation
Location: Muthanalloor Village
Conducted By: Equity ED & Panchayat
Time: 11 PM | Dec 23
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